Ma'anshan Lingping Machinery knives mould Co.,ltd

MASLP, a professional manufacturer and seller of machine knives, blades and bending machine dies.

Tungsten Carbide Slitting Knives

Tungsten carbide slitting knives

carbide slitting knife

Carbide slitting upper knife

Product Overview

Tungsten carbide slitting knives are the industry standard for precision slitting applications. Crafted from high-quality tungsten carbide, these circular blades offer unmatched sharpness, wear resistance, and extended service life. Designed for a wide range of materials, including paper, plastic, film, rubber, and more, they consistently deliver superior slitting performance.

Key Features

Exceptional Sharpness and Durability: Tungsten carbide's inherent hardness, which can reach 86~93HRA, translates into exceptionally sharp and long-lasting blades. This ensures clean, precise cuts with minimal material waste.

Enhanced Slitting Accuracy: Meticulous processing guarantees superior dimensional tolerances, resulting in highly accurate slitting and minimized material loss.

Extended Service Life: These knives boast exceptional wear resistance, lasting several times longer than high-speed steel alternatives. This translates to reduced downtime and production cost savings as blade replacements are minimized.

Versatile Application Range: Tungsten carbide slitting knives cater to diverse customer needs by offering reliable performance across a wide spectrum of materials.


Increased Efficiency and Productivity: The sharp edges, long service life, and fast cutting speed of tungsten carbide slitting knives significantly enhance production efficiency and overall productivity.

Reduced Production Costs: The extended lifespan minimizes blade replacements, leading to cost savings and minimized downtime.

Superior Slitting Quality: High precision translates into premium slitting results, reducing material waste and improving the overall quality of the final product.


Across numerous industries, tungsten carbide slitting knives are the go-to choice for demanding slitting applications:

Paper Industry: Precise and efficient slitting of paper, paperboard, and paper tubes.

Packaging Industry: Guaranteeing precise cuts for plastic film, composite materials, and other packaging substrates.

Printing Industry: Maintaining accuracy and achieving excellent printing results through precise paper and film slitting.

Rubber Industry: Exceptional precision and durability for slitting rubber sheets, strips, and other rubber-based materials.

Chemical Fiber Industry: Ensuring high-quality cuts for chemical fiber filaments, fabrics, and similar materials.

Non-Woven Fabric Industry: Precise slitting of non-woven fabric rolls, meeting the industry's specific requirements.


Tungsten carbide slitting knives

Precision slitting

High-speed slitting


Wear resistance

Cutting precision

Paper slitting

Plastic slitting

Film slitting

Rubber slitting

Chemical fiber slitting

Non-woven fabric slitting


Tungsten carbide slitting knives for paper are used in the paper industry to slit paper, paperboard, and paper tubes. They offer sharp and wear-resistant edges, long service life, and high slitting accuracy.

Carbide slitting upper knife is used in the packaging industry to slit plastic film and composite materials. It features high precision and smooth cutting surface, ensuring high-quality slitting results.

TC slitting knives are used in the printing industry to slit paper and film. They are made of tungsten carbide and titanium carbide, which makes them extremely hard and wear-resistant.

Submicron tungsten carbide slitting knives are used in the rubber industry to slit rubber sheets and rubber strips. They have submicron grain size, which provides them with superior sharpness and wear resistance.

Precision tungsten carbide slitting knives are used in the chemical fiber industry to slit chemical fiber filaments and chemical fiber fabrics. They offer high precision and smooth cutting surface, ensuring high-quality slitting results.

High-performance tungsten carbide slitting knives are used in the non-woven fabric industry to slit non-woven fabric rolls. They are designed for high-speed slitting applications and offer long service life and high productivity.

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